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Cutting Head Parts and Assemblies: Complete On/Off Cutting Head Assemblies

Cutting Head Assembly - Hi-Perf On/offValve, P-III NozzleBdy, IDE, Abr Nozzle Tube

Cutting Head Assembly - Hi-Perf On/offValve, P-III NozzleBdy, IDE, Abr Nozzle Tube


Where it all began for H2O Jet! Still the simplest, most cost effective diamond cutting head availabe. The H2O Jet Diamond Integral Cutting Head is a quantum leap in cutting performance, reliability, and productivity. Through empirical analysis and extensive field testing, it has been optimized for real-world conditions. The H2O Jet Diamond Cutting Head is NOT a variation on the same old theme. Rather, its a departure from the norm that results in superior performance and reduced operating costs. The Integral Diamond Eductor Assembly. H2O JET EXCLUSIVE!
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